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SIIA Spring Forum

March 25-27

San Antonio, TX
The Fiduciary Duty of Prudence

The Fiduciary Duty of Prudence

In the next blog post within the TALON price transparency series, we will highlight the impact of price transparency already being felt by employers….


In the next blog post within the TALON price transparency series, we will highlight why incorporating healthcare price transparency data will provide competitive insights….
Healthcare Pricing and Cartography: Your GPS is now ready for use

Healthcare Pricing and Cartography: Your GPS is now ready for use

Introduction to Blog Series: Transparency in healthcare pricing has finally arrived with the passage of January 1st, 2024. The series of actions that have….

Transparency in Coverage Final Phase Rollout Blog Post

  It’s Finally Here. The moment we’ve all prepared for—or have we? The simple fact is that when the second phase of the Transparency….
The Next Step for Transparency - PBM Reform

The Next Step for Transparency – PBM Reform

As we close another year and look ahead to the final rollout phase of the Transparency in Coverage Rule (TiC), it’s the perfect time….
The Power of Aligned Incentives

The Power of Aligned Incentives

  Even before the Transparency in Coverage Rule (TiC) was finalized in October 2020, requiring health insurance plans and issuers to disclose healthcare pricing….
New Transparency in Coverage requirements are quickly approaching and so are the penalties for noncompliance

New Transparency in Coverage Requirements Are Quickly Approaching. And So Are the Penalties for Noncompliance.

As we have seen in recent months, CMS has started to pick up the pace of hospital audits to ensure Transparency in Coverage (TiC)….
Are you moving at the speed of technology or healthcare

Are You Moving at The Speed of Technology or Healthcare?

If there’s one thing that’s not a secret, it’s that changes to the healthcare system tend to move at a snail’s pace. The Affordable….
Taking the road less traveled: beyond regulation

Taking The Road Less Traveled: Beyond Regulation

Since its founding in 2014, TALON has been ahead of the regulatory curve, setting the standard in a breakthrough market and even influencing the….
Taking baby steps is the expensive way

Complying with the Transparency in Coverage Final Rule and No Surprises Act: Taking Baby Steps is the Expensive Way to Go

Various elements of the Transparency in Coverage Final Rule and the No Surprises Act have already taken effect, and others will take effect over….