Healthcare Price Transparency Just Got a Policy Boost: Trump’s Latest Executive Order

In part 1 of this series, “The Year of Healthcare Consumerism”, we defined the current state of healthcare price transparency, a critical piece of the healthcare consumer journey. We reviewed the current regulations requirements, enforcement and oversight, and gaps and opportunities within the market. In part 2 of this series, we’ll be reviewing the very…

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The Year of Healthcare Consumerism, Pt.1

In part 1 of this series, “The Year of Healthcare Consumerism”, we’ll be defining the current state of healthcare price transparency, a critical piece of the healthcare consumer journey. We’ll review the current regulations requirements, enforcement and oversight, and gaps and opportunities within the market. In a recent report published by Deloitte, it was noted…

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Second Order Consequences in Healthcare

For those not aware of what exactly second-order consequences are, it’s a model of thinking frequently referenced by Ray Dalio, founder of the very successful investment firm Bridgewater Associates. Below is a a great example of first and second order consequences  “For example, the first-order consequences of exercise (pain and time spent) are commonly considered…

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In the next blog post within the TALON price transparency series, we will highlight why incorporating healthcare price transparency data will provide competitive insights and symmetrical information in the market for all key stakeholders. Introduction to Blog Series: Transparency in healthcare pricing has finally arrived with the passage of January 1st, 2024. The series of…

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Transparency in Coverage Final Phase Rollout Blog Post

  It’s Finally Here. The moment we’ve all prepared for—or have we? The simple fact is that when the second phase of the Transparency in Coverage Rule was rolled out on January 1, 2023, requiring plans to provide members with an online pricing tool containing easily accessible cost-sharing information for a list of 500 services,…

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The Next Step for Transparency – PBM Reform

As we close another year and look ahead to the final rollout phase of the Transparency in Coverage Rule (TiC), it’s the perfect time to reflect on what has been accomplished. It’s been a long and tedious process of implementing all three phases of TiC across health plans and insurance issuers in individual and group…

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The Power of Aligned Incentives

Even before the Transparency in Coverage Rule (TiC) was finalized in October 2020, requiring health insurance plans and issuers to disclose healthcare pricing information to plan participants, we were asking ourselves how to build a platform that would usher in this new era in healthcare. Compliance is an essential and foundational element, but at our…

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New Transparency in Coverage Requirements Are Quickly Approaching. And So Are the Penalties for Noncompliance.

As we have seen in recent months, CMS has started to pick up the pace of hospital audits to ensure Transparency in Coverage (TiC) compliance. Where there was more leniency for noncompliance before as entities worked through the heavy lifting of system implementations to satisfy new requirements, the looming threat of penalty fees in the…

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Are You Moving at The Speed of Technology or Healthcare?

If there’s one thing that’s not a secret, it’s that changes to the healthcare system tend to move at a snail’s pace. The Affordable Care Act, for example, took nearly 5 years from the time of its introduction to the first open enrollment period1. Looking on a smaller scale at group health plans, even implementing…

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