MyMedicalShopper’s Comparison Shopping Platform Receives Independent Program Validation from the Validation Institute

Platform Determined to Produce Measurable ROI and Significant Healthcare Cost Savings

Portsmouth, NH – August 28, 2019 – MMS Analytics, Inc. dba MyMedicalShopper, the leading provider of healthcare price transparency solutions, announced that its MyMedicalShopper™ Mobile Price Transparency solution, has been validated by the Validation Institute, an independent, objective, 3rd party organization focused on changing health care.

MyMedicalShopper is a comprehensive platform sold to employer groups that is designed to drive down the cost of healthcare while improving employee benefits. With MyMedicalShopper, employees previously unaware of the wild variations in prices for medical procedures and testing can choose care based on price, quality, and convenience with unprecedented access to the previously secretive prices negotiated between insurance carriers and providers. The company’s analysts estimate that roughly 41% of an employer’s annual healthcare spending could be saved if employees shop for their care and selected lower-cost high-quality providers.

“It’s an honor to receive this validation for MyMedicalShopper from the Validation Institute. Their independent verification of our customer’s claims gives prospective insurance brokers and employers confidence in MyMedicalShopper’s ability to generate healthcare claims savings, and further enhances our credibility in the market,” says MyMedicalShopper co-founder and CEO, Mark Galvin.

 “The Validation Institute only validates high-quality programs that deliver proven results that reduce healthcare spending. MyMedicalShopper was found to have a credible impact on healthcare costs and delivers on its claims,” says RD Whitney, CEO of Validation Institute.

MyMedicalShopper is available through benefit brokers and consultants serving both the fully insured and self-funded employer markets. The platform integrates with over 100 health plan member portals providing real-time deductible tracking, in- and out-of-network facility information, and other personalized plan details to help employees manage out-of-pocket expenses and plan for future procedures.  

MyMedicalShopper empowers employers and their employees to take control of their healthcare costs on over 10,000 medical tests and procedures by making it easy to shop for low-cost, high-quality medical care. 

About MMS Analytics, Inc. ( 

MMS Analytics, Inc. dba MyMedicalShopper™ is a big data company on a mission to build technology, products, and services to drive meaningful savings from the cost of healthcare in the United States. The company was founded on the belief that fixing the broken healthcare marketplace required focus on the alignment of financial incentives, medical price transparency, and the reduction of administrative overhead. The company empowers employers and their employees with the ability to choose care based on price, quality, and convenience with unprecedented access to the previously secretive prices negotiated between insurance carriers and providers. Experts document that as much as $1 trillion could be slashed annually from the cost of healthcare in the United States. MyMedicalShopper aims to help transform the healthcare industry into a fair market for consumers.

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About Validation Institute. (

Validation Institute is an independent, objective, 3rd party organization on a mission to improve the quality and cost of healthcare. Based in Portsmouth, N.H., the organization is made up of a network of health benefits purchasers, health benefits advisors, and healthcare solution providers focused on delivering better health value and stronger outcomes than conventional healthcare.


Mark Galvin
