Taking The Road Less Traveled: Beyond Regulation

Since its founding in 2014, TALON has been ahead of the regulatory curve, setting the standard in a breakthrough market and even influencing the Transparency in Coverage Rule. Our platform was used as an industry standard upon which the new federal mandates were based. TALON provides employers with the tools they need to stay compliant, keep their health plans on track, and increase employee engagement.

It originally wasn’t about creating an all-encompassing solutions platform for new and emerging compliance mandates, but rather to beat the path for the U.S. healthcare market to evolve towards easily accessible pricing transparency so consumers could act in their own best self-interests comparing cost, quality, and convenience while making critical healthcare choices for their families. We now must all turn our focus to what lies beyond just the need to keep up with regulation.

What will be the next step for healthcare platforms keeping companies compliant in the new world of transparency laws once we are looking at healthcare costs through clear glass?

The answer can be found at the core of TALON’s mission statement, which is to educate, empower, and incentivize the American healthcare consumer to meaningfully reduce costs and create a healthier ecosystem. From the beginning, TALON has been on a mission to battle the increasing healthcare costs with a unique combination of innovative tech solutions and educational tools.

The need for providing employers with the tools essential to staying compliant will remain at the forefront of TALON’s services, however, focus must return to transforming a broken healthcare system and creating impactful cost savings and strides towards a healthier tomorrow for all. TALON is dedicated to the incredible task of educating newly created healthcare consumers while providing the innovations to engage and motivate them to become the driving force for quality and efficiency.

From our MyMedicalShopper™ platform to the MyMedicalRewards™ shared-saving rewards system, TALON empowers consumers to take back control of their healthcare journey. These initiatives, aimed at a market that has deliberately removed consumer optics and the consumers themselves, are once again how TALON is staying on the cusp of innovation in healthcare solutions.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 88% of adults in the U.S. are below a standard level of proficiency when it comes to healthcare literacy1. This also disproportionally effects low-income adults who are already at a higher risk for health issues.

The lasting impact of an educated population would not only be seen in increased health and wellbeing, but also exponential cost savings for employees and their employers. This opens a vast network of new possibilities for reinvesting in business and life.

Pairing tools with providing knowledge will be the way forward as we look to what healthcare can become. TALON will continue to set the mark for the industry standard in innovation as they take the path less traveled into the future of healthcare education.

Education means true freedom of choice and those benefiting from keeping consumers in the dark will have a rude awakening once the tangled system they’ve created is no longer a vast network of mystery to the average consumer. TALON is leading the charge beyond regulation and into a new era of an educated marketplace.
