Talon Aims to Empower Healthcare Consumers in Ways Never Before Possible

Portsmouth, NH – January26th, 2021 – The transformational company formerly known as MyMedicalShopper has completed its rebranding as Talon.

According to Mark Galvin, Founder and CEO of Talon, “MyMedicalShopper exposed the fact that the same test or procedure, at facilities just a few miles apart, can cost consumers ten times as much.  Now, with our resources and goals expanding, we’ve chosen a new company name—Talon—that captures our mission:  To tear away at every hurdle in the way of Americans being able to spend much less for health care of precisely the same quality.”

Galvin pointed out that the age of healthcare consumerism has now officially arrived.    On January 1, 2021, the Hospital Transparency Rule went into effect across the United States.  This will be followed, on January 1, 2022, by the Transparency in Coverage rule—of which Talon, working directly with the federal government, was a chief architect.

“These nationwide rules, which will affect 220 million Americans,” Galvin said, “mandate that consumers be given access to how much they’re really being charged for MRIs, blood tests, ultrasounds and thousands of other tests and procedures.  Our proprietary software does just that, while allowing employers to financially reward employees who choose lower cost, equal quality alternatives.” 

Galvin said that Talon’s platform also allows consumers to proactively model the health insurance plan that will cost them the least and deliver the most care—then choose it, for themselves.  “It’s like looking through a crystal ball and being able to stop squandering money needlessly on high premiums,” Galvin commented. “Often, a higher deductible might well be the answer.  The point is:  Let the consumer have the power.  Let the consumer decide. Free the consumer from undue influence by insurance companies.  We intend to make it possible for Americans to never overpay for healthcare, again.”

About Talon (www.TalonHealthTech.com) 

Driven by two principles—Radical Transparency and Healthcare Consumerism—Talon was founded to repair America’s profoundly dysfunctional health insurance market.  Through its proprietary set of innovative tools and services, Talon introduces free market dynamics into the  fractured healthcare marketplace, drastically reducing wasteful spending.  


Mark Galvin, CEO, Talon

