A centralized resource for TALON News and Events. TALON is proud to contribute to increasing awareness of healthcare price transparency and educating the healthcare industry on transparent healthcare pricing.
Bipartisan Support for the Transparency in Coverage Rule with Mark Galvin TALON
Listen Here: Mark Galvin, Co-Founder, President, and CEO of TALON, discusses the Transparency in Coverage rule in healthcare. This rule was added to the Affordable Care…
MyMedicalShopper Finds Huge Price Differences Paid Across the Granite State
New Study by MyMedicalShopper Finds Huge Price Differences Paid by Insured Customers for Common Health Procedures Across the Granite State and Beyond.
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Bloggers Burrow
Nestle in for our thoughts on current industry topics. Topics include Healthcare Price Transparency, Healthcare Consumerism, the future of the Healthcare Competition, and the power of Transparent Healthcare Data.
Second Order Consequences in Healthcare
For those not aware of what exactly second-order consequences are, it’s a model of thinking frequently referenced by Ray Dalio,…
In the next blog post within the TALON price transparency series, we will highlight why incorporating healthcare price transparency data…
Healthcare Pricing and Cartography: Your GPS is now ready for use
Introduction to Blog Series: Transparency in healthcare pricing has finally arrived with the passage of January 1st, 2024. The series…