True Price Transparency means “No Surprises”

TALON defines healthcare “price transparency” to be accurate and easily accessible information intuitively presented on the price of health care services and items that helps define the value of those services, enabling patients and other healthcare cost stakeholders to identify, compare, and choose providers based on cost, quality, and convenience. It is important to note…

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How Nostalgia is Misleading Employee Health Plans

Matthew McCormick, Director, Partner Sales Having spoken with and met hundreds, if not thousands, of employee benefit brokers, I’ve noticed a recurring, fundamental theme runs through our discussions: .. Many within the healthcare space have been led astray by nostalgia. Nostalgia is a beautiful word It brings back fond memories. It evokes a sense of…

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True Market Forces Will Soon Be Unleashed in Healthcare

In a matter of months, our healthcare system and the overall patient experience will change dramatically for the better. And most Americans don’t even realize it.  After decades of attempts to transform the healthcare system into a true market—one in which forces like competition between providers based on quality and pricing can bring prices down, it is finally happening. The…

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Building a Village: Why Fixing the Broken Healthcare System should also involve Human Resource Outsourcing organizations (HROs) and Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)

By Amnon Gavish, EVP of Corporate Development & Strategy Due to the COVID-19 crisis, PEOs’ and HROs’ services are expected to expand beyond their traditional customer zones (See Oliver Wyman: The Potential New Normal in Insurance Products). As a result, they may also have an opportunity to play a major role in fixing our broken…

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Death by Complacency

By Matthew McCormick, Partnership Executive, MMS Analytics, Inc. As the pandemic known as COVID-19 came to the forefront of our daily lives, my mind, like many of yours, undoubtedly leapt towards “What are the consequences of this virus upon my career?” First and foremost, I am fortunate that, at the publishing of this blog, I…

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Don’t Be Blind to Healthcare Overspending

By David Spear, EVP of Sales and Strategy I’m a bit new to the healthcare industry, though as a consumer I am quite aware how the current dynamics in healthcare drive our behavior in all the wrong ways. As a consumer, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “don’t worry about the…

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Three key characteristics of a successful Employer Champion

By Shaylin McNally, Director of Customer Success So, your company has just rolled out this great new benefit (MyMedicalShopper!), and you’ve been assigned the role of Employer Champion. You might be thinking, why me? And that’s a great question. The simple answer: probably because we told them to. Not explicitly, of course. But this is…

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